general wards. This is an opportunity to work part-time shifts at a private hospital in Plettenberg Bay of patients Adheres to patients' rights at all times Prevents, reports and manages medico-legal risks
for Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary (ENA) to work part-time shifts in general wards at a private facility multi-disciplinary team Adheres to patients' rights at all times Identifies, prevents and reports medico-legal risks
with work experience in general wards to work part-time shifts at a private hospital in Plettenberg Bay multi-disciplinary team Adheres to patients' rights at all times Identifies, prevents and reports medico-legal risks
Critical Care . This is an opportunity to work part-time shifts at a private facility in Plettenberg Bay
Nurses (RN) / Professional Nurses (PN) to work part-time shifts at a facility in Plettenberg Bay in the
experience in Maternity / Obstetrics to work regular part-time shifts at a private facility in Cape Town in Western
Obstetrics / Maternity ward work experrience for part-time shifts at a private facility in Cape Town in the
Emergency Assistant Practitioners (AEA/ILS) to work part-time shifts (OPERATIONS and EVENTS) in Johannesburg
with work experience in ICU / Critical Care for part-time shifts at a private facility in Plettenberg Bay
Emergency Assistant Practitioners (AEA/ILS) to work part-time shifts in Kimberley in Northern Cape province